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How To

5 Ways To Staying Calm During a Test

Writing tests/exams can sometimes be stressful, but don’t panic, it’s natural to feel stressed during a test. You’ll certainly want to develop a plan tor taking the test and getting done in time.

While taking test/exams, we sometimes feel tense or nervous but it’s important to note that you need to relax yourself physically and mentally. Take a few deep breaths, release the tension in your mind, and loosen up your body. If you try your best to relax and think positive thoughts, you can concentrate and make it through!

Here are 5 ways you can remain calm while taking a test/exam.

1. Stay Positive

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Learn to always stay positive. Its very easy to to think negative thoughts about yourself when you’re stressed out. It does not help ease your mind during a test/exam. Instead of negative thoughts, make effort to think of positive thoughts, stay positive about your abilities and readiness for the test/exam.

In order to do things perfectly well, clear thoughts like “I’m so bad at this course I don’t even know a thing,” “I’m not sure if I will pass this test.” Though, most times, these thoughts do come to us but try and replace it with positive thoughts like “I am going to do well,” “I can do it.” This positive thoughts can make a difference.

2. Stay Focused

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Don’t look at what others around you are doing. It’s very easy to get distracted in a test/exam hall, there you’ll see others going through their questions easily and you will see others collecting ‘extra sheet’ and you might start to wonder ‘what’s wrong with me?’ making you feeling more stressed.

Do your best to stay focused on what you are doing. If you feel the need to take your eyes off the test for a moment, just close them and breathe deeply a few times.

3. Take Deep Breaths

Many people also have the tendency to take short, shallow breaths when they are tense. Taking long, slow breaths instead will reduce your stress and help you concentrate. During the test, try to pay attention to your breathing. Every so often stop and

  • Close your eyes.
  • Take a slow, deep breath, inhaling through your nose.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth, and repeat.
  • Open your eyes and get back to the test, recharged!

4. Laugh/Smile a Little

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For some people, laughing/smiling can keep them calm and keep them motivated. So try and make yourself laugh during your test/exam.

For example, you can tell yourself, ‘Mehn, I’ll crush this one, Live!’ or anything funny that will make you laugh. You can think of your lecturer who always misbehave during lectures, marking your script and being surprised that you cleared your papers.

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5. Read Your Questions Carefully

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When you’re stressed about a test, it can be easy to forget the basics like reading instructions. Before you dive in, however, take a few minutes to read over exactly what the test is asking you to do. Make sure you understand the directions, and ask for clarification if you don’t. It’s also worth taking a moment to examine the test sections, if there are multiple parts.

The goal is to perform well in your test, so just stay calm and do what you know, you’ll be just fine. Cheers to a wonderful test/exam and congratulations in advance.

Written By

Ben Orange, is a stylist and a senior fashion editor at GLAMCITYZ, who covers topics in Fashion, Style, and weddings. With his keen eye for trends, he expertly navigates the dynamic world of fashion, offering invaluable insights and advice to readers. In his leisure time, you'll often find Ben indulging in his love for reading and enjoying the melodies of good music.



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