Get ready Glamstyla’s because Netflix is fueling up and an action-packed revival of the beloved Spy Kids franchise is back as director Robert Rodriguez...
The official trailer for Netflix’s 2018 global blockbuster “Bird Box Barcelona,” which is the much awaited expansion of the series, has been released. Sebastian...
In a heartwarming tale of family meddling and serendipitous encounters, “Make Me Believe” a delightful romantic comedy, is set to grace our screens on...
Get ready to meet Mavis Beaumont, a fiercely confident and curvaceous fashion enthusiast, as she embarks on a hilarious and empowering journey in “Survival...
The much-awaited “The Perfect Find” official trailer has been made public by Netflix, providing a tantalizing glimpse into the enthralling world of Jenna, who...
If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic stories and South Korean cinema, then you won’t want to miss Netflix’s latest series, “Black Knight.” The trailer...
To mark the release of “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” Netflix and Shondaland have collaborated with three exceptional African musicians – South Africa’s Msaki,...