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Fitness : Why You Should Always Cool Off Your Body After Exercise

Cooling off is essential as it helps to avoid the risk of injury and to help your body in quick recovery.

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From jogging/running to sit-ups and push-ups to weight lifting and other activities we do, exercising our body and staying fit is very important. At the same time, cooling our body off is also important-er.

While cooling off might seem very difficult to do after a long time of exercising, if you want to keep your health in check and avoiding injuries, cooling off is very necessary.

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Body stretching is one way you can cool your body down, they should be done slowly and cautiously in order to help your body change from exercise mode.

Cooling off helps in reducing the risk of injury by easing any pain you might feel from inside, therefore helping the muscles transition back to inactivity. As your heart beats very fast while exercising, cooling off helps in alerting your heart not to beat fast anymore.

You can opt-in for a Lung Rotation stretch as it is best for targeting your legs and back after a workout. According to Skimblehere’s how to do a Lung Rotation stretch :

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Start with your feet hip-width apart and your arms reaching straight out in front of you. Step one foot out into a lunge position, bending both knees, and rotate your arms and torso over your lead leg. Rotate back to neutral and stand up. Step forward into a lunge with the opposite leg while rotating your arms and torso over that lead leg. Repeat. Try to step through each lunge without pausing at the standing position.


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