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Skin Care

How to Get a Clear and Smooth Skin

Smooth Skin

How do you get a smooth skin? Your skin is definitely going through a lot — protecting your organs from germs and harsh weather conditions. It does this on a daily basis, something which can be tagged as a “big job.” According to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), each inch of skin is made up of 19 million skin cells, 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, and 1,000 nerve endings.

As it keeps protecting your entire body, it sometimes get rough or even itchy. To protect it, you also need to take action by maintaining a regular skincare routine so as to prevent your skin from damaging.

1. Exfoliating

Exfoliating your skin is a skincare procedure or technique use in removing debris or dead cells for the top layer of your skin, helping your skin to perform better and keeps it glow.

2. Wash your face

While you want to keep your whole skin smooth, your face is a big priority as different kinds of germs can build up on your skin blocking your pores and leading to irritation. So, wash your face as often as possible.

Ideally, you should be washing your face at least twice a day (Morning and Night). It is very important to wash at night as you’re removing bacteria, dirt, makeup or skincare products, and other contaminants that may have built up on your skin throughout the day.

3. Moisturising

Moisturising your skin is important and infact important-er. To keep your skin hydrated and smooth, you need to choose moisturisers that matches your skin type. On the bottle, it will be specified if its for dry skin, oily skin or for all type of skins.

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For example, if you have a dry skin, go for moisturisers that free of dyes and perfumes. Avoid cleansers that contain harsh or drying ingredients, like alcohol or astringents. If your skin is oily, look for a gentle soap-based cleanser that’s designed to remove dirt and oils from your skin.

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Shiny Diamond | Pexel

4. Wash your hand

Since the over hyped year 2020 started, washing and sanitising of hands is essential so as to prevent yourself from the virus. We use our hands for all our activities and they can easily get dirt, germs and bacterias on our face. Washing them at regular intervals them will help in slowing the rate at which these bacterias get to our skin.

Looking for more skincare routines, check below :



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