The highly anticipated third season premiere of the Netflix drama series Bridgerton finally arrived, creating a buzz of excitement. This grand event, held in...
Nollywood luminaries and other screen celebrities dazzled the AMVCA red carpet with their elegant attire. The iconic Eko Hotel and Suites in Victoria Island...
Media Mogul, Linda Ikeji will be stealing the entire Nollywood scene with her soon-to-be-released, real-life inspired movie, “The Night of June 7th” which has...
Congratulations to the talented actress and screen goddess Sharon Ooja on her new ambassadorial deal with EazzyTranzact, a global network mobile provider that makes...
Nollywood has come yet with another cinematic masterpiece called Finding Messiah, which is a political musical drama that has been gaining ground and popularity...
Eku Edewor‘s impact on Nigeria’s film industry is marked by her production insight and remarkable fashion sense, adding another layer to her multifaceted career....
Daniel and Toyosi Etim-Effiong have exciting news to share—they’re expanding their family once again, and mind you, this is the third baby. The Nollywood...