Thrifts are second handed clothes that are sold and purchased from thrift stores, online marketplaces and consignment shops. One might wonder why thrift clothing is even considered an option, but the “real stuff” is that thrift clothing are usually high end clothing which are either too expensive to get as a brand new or hard to get in one’s region but then shipped as second handed clothing goods in good or almost perfect conditions.
Baggy trousers, waistcoats, gowns, vintage ties, Chelsea boots, and many very stylish fashion pieces in their varieties, uniqueness, and mainly affordability. These style pieces have thus given those with a very tight budget an opportunity to dance in the floors of other fashionistas rocking elite clothing with “Steeze” and top person attitude.
The era of thrift clothing is one that was long overdue owing to the fact that years back, most families patronized thrift stores yet, no real acknowledgement. But with Gen z’s coming into the picture, its fame and global acknowledgement skyrocketed as many styles and fashion make-ups happen to be achievable with thrift clothing since some outfits which are either out of production, hard to find in the usual marketplace, and are cheap can be gotten without much hassle. To simply put, thrift clothing is easy to get, affordable, and sauced in swag when worn and styled rightly.
The emergence of these clothing choices have hence increased the sales and encouraged more thrift shopping habits, and consumer culture. It has helped to reduce environmental pollution through less fabric disposal and burning since the fashion industry, as vast as it is, contributes to environmental pollution. It helps support local thrift stores, and it has helped a huge population of the world the freedom to make a thousand and one fashion choice without breaking a bank.
So get to a thrift store today and get a restock of your existing wardrobe while rocking very beautiful style/vintage designs that will leave you looking like the sweetest in the room. Also make sure to observe these few tips you are on a thrift trip to and they are :
1. Always negotiate
2. Always check for quality
3. Be creative in selection
and last but not the least
4. Remember that you are a gorgeous Glamstyla.
Photo credit: Pexels