On this cooking tutorial with Joyful cook we will be learning how to make a Nigerian dish called “Asaro” or Yam Porridge using the step by step guides provided in the course of this amazing cooking video tutorial.
Starting from the very detailed explanation of preparing the the pepper mix, the addition of proteins (snails in this case), palm oil, and then, the seasoning to taste. This dish wish can go with spinach and and onions for the sauce and yam, added and left to cook well.
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The speaker also shares tips and tricks on how to make the Asaro dish throughout the video, such as using high-quality palm oil, adding frozen yam directly to the pot, and using sweet plantain instead of sugar. They also emphasize the importance of using fresh vegetables and seasoning the dish to taste.
this is such a satisfying watch as both cook and all visual aesthetics were on point to create an unforgettable cooking tutorial experience
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